Sunday, October 28, 2007

a while back i posted this video of a conversation with sam, chris, ashley, bardhi, suzie and my self at Amanda Knight's gravestone. i just found the transcription and wanted to share it. completely hilarious.

chris: the moment's gone, sorry... does that just bother me? or would it bother anyone else?
ash: if you didn't specify which typeface you'd want?
suzie: yeah
chris: yeah, if you're head stone was like in...
suzie: papyrus
chris: times new roman.
ash: i bet you could specify it in your will... i would like my gravestone to be in whatever whatever...
sam: i would design it before hand, chris
chris: i think i'm going to do that. because—
ash: you better get started
chris: honestly, how many typefaces do you think the beasley monument... whatever they're called... or how much of the average...
bardhi: how do you print the typefaces on the gravestone?
sam: they have a ______ machine that etches it. ... cole are you taping all this?
cole: haha, yeah
sam: for our posterity.
ash: for the blog.
cole: i think this is the funniest conversation.
bardhi: ?
sam: cole, you need to show this some time to prove that we actually had a conversation about what typeface to have on our gravestone. this is how far the program has plunged us into the depths of nerdiness.
bardhi: ... i hate it.
sam: ... talk about that. while most people are talking about chicks, cars...
chris: there's certain, like, important moments in my life that i really don't care anymore how they happen or when they happen, just as long as i can control the typography... like my wedding invitation. that's all i care about.
sam: my dad—
chris: that's all i want to be in charge of at my funeral i just want to be able to pick the typeface for the headstone and the program.
bardhi: you're so stupid.
ash: haha! bardhi!
sam: my dad gave me a hard time today because he's like you're so critical all the time. i'm not saying that i'm always critical because.. you can't look at somebody's wedding announcement without tearing it apart...
suzie: oh my gosh, yeah... normal people don't do that.
sam: no they don't.
chris: i think the key is that you don't point them...
sam: well you do it too
suzie: now i do it.. now i do it and i hate it. i hate that i do it.
ash: i don't think it's bad
sam: i don't think it's so much tearing it apart as it's humorous.
suzie: but if that's the only thing that we say.. if that's the only thing we say about a wedding invitation is: oh gosh, as soon as we open them.
ash: other people... ?
suzie: gosh
chris: if this is what... if this the result of those two people coming together, it shouldn't happen. there is obviously something wrong with the match. people with such bad aesthetics should not procreate.

In case you missed it:

Our Typophile Film Festival opening titles are featured in the Observed column on Design Observer, and in Quipsologies on Under Consideration.

Pretty cool. But what's with "The type of your life"?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

remind anyone of anything?
the time we saw ratatat, right?
make my logo bigger.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Found this website in the Dec 07 issue of HOW.